On Wednesday 21st October, in cooperation with the UK's embassy in Greece and the Cyber Security and Crisis Management Initiative, Tactics Institute will present the event
Tactics Institute's Angelos Kaskanis will participate in the online event Geopolitical Significance of EU's Southern Borders.
The event begins at 1pm GMT. Details of the opening session Session:
Moderator: Vassilios Grammatikas, Ass. Professor of International Law, Dept. of Political Science, Democritus University of Thrace;
EU enlargement and cooperation with its wider neighborhood: Anastasios Chardas, Ass. Professor of European Institutions, Dept. of Political Science, Democritus University of Thrace; Sotiris Serbos, Associate Professor in International Politics, Dept. of Social Work, Democritus University of Thrace, Research Fellow at ELIAMEP.
Western Balkans: Investing in Stability: Vesna Poposka, Assistant Professor, International VISION University; Spyros Economides, Associate Professor in International Relations and European Politics at the London School of Economics and Deputy, Director of the Hellenic Observatory.
Details of the second session (starts 2:30pm GMT):
Moderator: Nicolaos Papanastasopoulos, PhD, Adjunct Lecturer, Dept. of Political Science, Democritus University of Thrace.
Counterterrorism and Cybersecurity initiatives in Southeast Europe: Angelos Kaskanis, PhD, Tactics Institute for Security and Counter Terrorism; Metodi Hadji-Janev, Brigadier General, Associate Professor, Military Academy General Mihailo Apostolski
Irregular migration flows: Europe’s External Border Policy and Alliances; Alexandros Sarris, Senior Lecturer at Erasmus University College – Florian Schmitz, Journalist, Deutsche Welle