Middle East

Middle East

Iran's Right to Self-Defence: Targeting Terrorist Bases in Syria and Iraq

Iran's Right to Self-Defence: Targeting Terrorist Bases in Syria and Iraq

Recently, the UN representative for Iran has supported the nation’s recent counterterrorism efforts, which have targeted the headquarters of Takfiri terrorists in Syria and anti-Iranian terror groups in Iraq. Amir…
Iran's Right to Self-Defence: Targeting Terrorist Bases in Syria and Iraq

Iran's Right to Self-Defence: Targeting Terrorist Bases in Syria and Iraq

Recently, the UN representative for Iran has supported the nation’s recent counterterrorism efforts, which have targeted the headquarters of Takfiri terrorists in Syria and anti-Iranian terror groups in Iraq. Amir…
The Impact of Turkey's Anti-Terror Operations on PKK Activities

The Impact of Turkey's Anti-Terror Operations on PKK Activities

The Turkish military will conclude its counterterrorism Operation Claw-Lock against the PKK terrorists on the border with Iraq this summer,…
US-OIC Strategic Cooperation: Advancing Counterterrorism in the Middle East

US-OIC Strategic Cooperation: Advancing Counterterrorism in the Middle East

Over the past decade stronger strategic cooperation between the USA and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on peace and…
United Against Terror: Qatar-Turkey Alliance for Regional Security

United Against Terror: Qatar-Turkey Alliance for Regional Security

HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani has frequently reiterated that the State of Qatar always backed Turkey against…
Saudi Arabia's Role in Combating Terrorism and Supporting US Sanctions

Saudi Arabia's Role in Combating Terrorism and Supporting US Sanctions

The US State Department praised the efforts of Saudi Arabia in countering terrorism in the region, cautioning that ISIS continues…
Egypt-UK Collaboration in the Fight Against Terrorism in the Middle East

Egypt-UK Collaboration in the Fight Against Terrorism in the Middle East

Egypt is currently encountering many terrorist threats. Terrorist episodes have normally taken place more often in North Sinai than corresponded…

Archive articles

Breaking ISIS: The Lebanese Military's Counterterrorism Triumph

In 2017, the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) projected an offensive that made significant headway against Islamic State forces in northeast…
Breaking ISIS: The Lebanese Military's Counterterrorism Triumph

Breaking ISIS: The Lebanese Military's Counterterrorism Triumph

In 2017, the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) projected an offensive that made significant headway against Islamic State forces in northeast…
The Iranian Response to the 2017 ISIL Assault: A Defensive Chronicle

The Iranian Response to the 2017 ISIL Assault: A Defensive Chronicle

Iran officially the Islamic Republic of Iran is an adversary of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, opposing…
Fighting Terrorism in the Middle East: Iraq's Battle Against the Islamic State and Iranian Backlash

Fighting Terrorism in the Middle East: Iraq's Battle Against the Islamic State and Iranian Backlash

Iraq has again reemerged as a major battleground in the turmoil in the Middle East. Iranian-backed militia groups target US…
Mapping Sudan's Counter-Terrorism Terrain: Progress and Persistence

Mapping Sudan's Counter-Terrorism Terrain: Progress and Persistence

Sudan continues to support counter-terrorism efforts in regional and multilateral organizations. In September 2019, Sudan officially initiated the civilian-led transitional…
Libya's Fight Against Terrorism: Progress and Challenges

Libya's Fight Against Terrorism: Progress and Challenges

Over the years, Libyan government officials persisted in working with U.S. partners to combat terrorism, although cracked security institutions limited…
Security Landscape: Militias, ISIL, and Counterterrorism in Iraq

Security Landscape: Militias, ISIL, and Counterterrorism in Iraq

Iraq’s direct terrorist threats included ISIL remains and various Iran-aligned militia groups, including U.S.-designated Kata’ib Hizballah, Harakat al-Nujaba, and Asa’ib…
Challenges and Consequences: U.S. Counterterrorism Policy in the Middle East

Challenges and Consequences: U.S. Counterterrorism Policy in the Middle East

The U.S. has had a determined strategy for counterterrorism prevention approaches in Iraq and Syria for decades, yet many point…
Evolving Counterterrorism Strategies: Rethinking U.S. Approaches in the Middle East

Evolving Counterterrorism Strategies: Rethinking U.S. Approaches in the Middle East

The long-held U.S. perspective on counterterrorism was a roadblock to the victory of counterterrorism measures in the Middle East. Altogether,…