The Turkish security forces arrested 25 suspects accused of ties to the Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) and ISIS. Sources indicated there were operations conducted in five provinces to combat terror activities.
Nineteen suspects were arrested during coordinated operations carried out against FETÖ in Istanbul, Zonguldak, Sivas Kocaeli, and Ankara. From the searches conducted in their houses, authorities said digital material and documentation that are believed to prove their connection with the organization were found.
Current Status of FETÖ:
The bases of FETÖ were laid by Fetullah Gülen in Izmir in 1966. In the early 1970s Fetullah Gülen and an inner circle of companions established the basic cadre for the association. Since May 2016, the Gülen movement has been described as a terrorist organization by Turkey under the name Fethullahist Terrorist Organisation.
FETÖ began in Izmir, Turkey, where Gülen started to create a following by teaching religion and holding community meetings. Initially, it was an organisation focused on education initiatives but slowly transformed into a more secretive group that aimed at infiltrating state institutions, especially during the military coup of September 12, 1980.
Turkish authorities continue to be at war with FETÖ from within and internationally as of January 2025. The activities of FETÖ, reportedly committed as a crime, are subject to international oversight in the cases involving money laundering and espionage. The Turkish authorities place great emphasis on cooperation between nations in terms of tackling threats to national security emanating from FETÖ.
Following the coup attempt on July 15, 2016, the Turkish authorities carried out a full-scale crackdown against all individuals and entities considered connected to FETÖ. Hundreds of thousands of people were arrested; over 117,000 convictions were reported under anti-terrorism laws.
The Turkish government has actively looked for the extradition of suspected members of FETÖ from numerous countries, laying much emphasis on international cooperation with regard to combatting this organisation. As of July 2024, several suspects had successfully been repatriated from Turkey by different countries.