Paris, 27th May 2019
Tactics Institute will host its first event in the French Senate on Tuesday 28th May. A public seminar will explore the current situation in the Gulf region.
The breakfast seminar will be held between 8:30 and 10:30 at the Salon Pourpe at the Palais du Luxembourg and is titled: “Instability and Mistrust in the Gulf Region: Exploring Confidence-Building Options”.
The seminar is a joint event, held with the prominent French NGO Institut Prospective et Sécurité en Europe (l’IPSE)
The seminar will be hosted by Jean-Marie Bockel, former French Secretary of Defence, member of the French Senate and President of the Senate Parliamentary Friendship Group, France-Gulf countries.
The Chair will be Emmanuel Dupuy, President of l’IPSE, lecturer of geopolitics at the Institut d’Etude des Relations Internationales and researcher in geopolitical issues for various institutions specialising in French defence policy.
Also speaking will be Stella Athanasoulia, a former Foreign Affairs Analyst at BBC News and Research Assistant at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Stella is also a Senior Advisor to Tactics Institute.
The keynote speaker will be Professor Joseph Bahout, non-resident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment in Washington DC, Professor of Middle East Politics at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, and a permanent consultant to the Policy Planning Unit of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Tactics Institute for Security and Counter Terrorism is an independent, non-partisan, think tank. Tactics researches terrorism to identify its causes and best possible remedies, always bearing in mind the protection of individual liberties and the human rights of all those affected.
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